The secret of the amazing flavour of this cake lies in the long process of maturing and only natural ingredients such as honey and spices. I prepare the dough on stir-up Sunday and let it sit in the fridge for almost a month. After the long rest, the cake is baked, sprinkled with Amaretto Liqueur, dressed up with layers of plum jam and marzipan, tightly wrapped, and left in the fridge for another week. Just prior to the festivities or one day before Christmas, Polish Traditional Gingerbread Cake needs only a shiny coat of chocolate ganache. Find the recipe here….
Polish Plum Cake
This is a traditional polish fruit cake called Placek ze sliwkami I bake in mid-August when first summer plums appear on the markets. This sour-sweet treat is actually an autumnal cake in which traditionally yellow-fleshed dark Hungarian Plums are used. We love homemade Placek ze sliwkami because is very comforting and full of fresh fruits. Perfect to feed the crowd and as a fabulous dessert for a garden party or picnic. If you don’t spot Hungarian Plums on the market or supermarket, other varieties such as Damsons Plums and Italian Prunes Plums work well either. Find the recipe here...