Having a bottle or two of this ruby liquid in a pantry is fantastic; in winter, its flavour and aroma will remind me of hot summer days. Homemade Raspberry Vinegar is a unique condiment perfect for salad leaves, asparagus tips, in marinades or vinaigrette dressing. It’s easy to make it at home with just a few simple ingredients and a bit of patience. Allow the raspberries to sit in the vinegar for a week, and then let the vinegar rest for a couple of weeks in a pantry, and your patience and work will be rewarded. Find the recipe here.
Homemade Vanilla Extract
It is an effortless recipe for homemade Vanilla Extract that requires only two ingredients of excellent quality: vanilla pods and 95% rectified spirit. This strong alcohol is an ideal choice for vanilla extract. Although it has its specific taste and odour, unlike rhum or bourbon, it allows the vanilla to centre stage and the colour of the extract comes entirely from the vanilla, not the alcohol. The Homemade Vanilla Extract is quick and easy to make; however, extracting flavour from vanilla pods takes time. Allow at least six months up to a year for the extract to mature, and you will end up with a homemade wonder that will fill your bakes with a fantastic aroma. Find the recipe here.