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French Onion Soup

Preparing time: 10 min Cook time: 1 hrs 40 min
Ingredients Method
6 medium white onions (680 g/1 ½ lbs sliced onions)
42 g unsalted butter (1 ½ oz)
1 tbls olive oil
The onionsSliced Onions
Slice the onions thinly. You should get 680 g of the onions.
Add the butterAdd the olive oil
Place the butter and oil in the have bottomed pan. Let the butter melt and combine with the oil.
Add the sliced onions
Add the onions and cook slowly in the covered pot for 15 minutes.
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp sugar
Cook until golden brown


Uncover the pot, add the salt and sugar and cook uncovered for about 40 minutes. You must stir the onions constantly until they have turned deep golden brown. Don’t let the onions burn.
42 g (1 ½ oz) plain flour

Sprinkle the onions with the flour

When the onions are soft and golden brown, sprinkle with the flour and stir. Cook for 3 minutes.
1.5 l (3 ¼ pts) beef stock or vegetable stock
Bring the beef stock to the boilPour the hot stock into the pot with the onion
In the meantime bring the stock to boil. Remove the pot with the onion from the heat and pour the hot stock into the pot. 
118 ml (1/4 pts) vermouth (ruby, white) or dry white wine
Salt, pepper to taste

Ruby VermouthPour the vermouth

Add the alcohol, salt and pepper to taste. Cover with the lid but only partially and simmer on low heat for further 40 minutes.

1 tblsp unsalted butter
4 slices of white bread or baguette (I used Greek Bagels)
4 tblsp Parmesan Cheese or grated Swiss/Gruyère cheese
Fry the bread until crispy and golden brownSprinkle with the cheese
Melt the butter on the pan and add the bread slices. Fry until crispy and golden brown. Pour the soup in the serving bowls and sprinkle with the grated cheese. serve with the fried bread.
The recipe based on "Mastering the Art of French Cooking Volume One"  Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle, Simone Beck

French Onion Soup; Polly Eats LondonFrench Onion Soup; Polly Eats LondonFrench Onion Soup; Polly Eats London

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