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Quick Pickled Cucumber

Preparing time: 30 min
Waiting time: up to 4 hours
Cook time: 5 min
600 ml tap water
2 cloves
1 cardamon pod
1 bay leaf
1 tsp mustard seeds
4 peppercorns
1/2 tsp caraway seeds
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp sugar
Pour the water into a panSpices
Pour the water into a pan, add the spices, salt and sugar and bring to the boil. Set aside and let cool the mixture.
1 cucumber
Peel the cucumberCut the cucumber into squaresPack the cucumber into the jars
Peel the cucumber, cut into squares or slice it thinly. Pack it into a jar.
100 ml white wine vinegar
Pour the mixture into a glass jarAdd the vinegar
Pour the infused with the spices water into a glass jug. When the mixture is cool add the vinegar and stir.
Cover the cucumber with the brineAdd the spices from the brine Pour the mixture over the cucumber. It should be covered completely. Add the spices which fell down on the bottom. 
Leave the cucumber for at least over an hour, up to 4 hours
Leave covered for at least 1.5 hours but for a maximum of 4 hours. Serve as a condiment, with burgers, sandwiches or on skewers.
The recipe for the pickled cucumber inspired by The Great British Chefs
Pickled cucumber Polly Eats LondonPickled cucumber stick Polly Eats London

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