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No-churn Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream

Cook Time: 30 minutes Freezing; 6 hours, best overnight
Ingredients Method
500 ml whipping cream
90 g golden caster sugar
100 g dark bitter chocolate (I used 90% chocolate)

Whipping CreamDark chocolate

Pour the cream and sugar in the thick-bottomed pot. Boil until the sugar is dissolved, then add the chocolate and let it dissolve as well. You need to get smooth chocolate cream. Set aside.

90 g golden caster sugar
4 organic egg yolks
Egg Yolks separated from the whitesEgg yolks and golden sugar
Put the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl of the standing mixer.
Pale and fluffy egg yolks mixture Whisk on medium speed until they turn pale and the mixture is fluffy and light.
Chocolate Custard poured into the bowl
Lower the speed and slowly pour the hot sweet chocolate cream over the yolk mixture whisking on low speed continuously until combined.
Tempered egg yolks with hot chocolate cream
Pour the mixture back into the pot. 
Wooden Spoon Test
Cook at low heat stirring constantly until the custard thickens and coats the back of the wooden spoon. It can take about 10 minutes. The mixture can’t get boiled as it will turn into scrambled chocolate eggs.
Pour the mixture through the sieveCover with plastic wrap to prevent from forming the film
Pour the mixture through the sieve and cover the container with plastic wrap to prevent from forming the film on the surface of the custard. Let it cool then freeze several hours. Serve in a crunchy cone or in a bowl with fresh fruits. The ice cream is better after two days in the freezer!

Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream Polly Eats LondonHomemade Chocolate Ice Cream Polly Eats LondonHomemade Chocolate Ice Cream Polly Eats London

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