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Courgette and Cheddar Quiche

Preparing Time: 30 min 
Chilling Time: 30 min
Pastry Bake Time: 30 min  
Quiche Bake Time: 30 min
Total time: 2 hours
Short Crust Pastry (Pâte Brisée)
140 g of plain flour
113 g chilled unsalted butter chopped
½ tsp salt  
1 pinch sugar
4 tbls very cold water
Chilled butterAdd the water to the flour. butter, salt and sugar
Pour the flour, salt, sugar and butter into a large bowl. Rub together with your fingerprints until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add cold water.
Pastry ballPastry Square Bring the mixture together into a ball and then form the square. Cover with plastic wrap or pop in the plastic bag and chill 30 minutes in the fridge.
Quiche Filling:
1 medium new courgette

Slice the courgette thinly

In the meantime, slice thinly courgette. Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 6.
Roll out the pastry and form the square
Flour lightly the worktop and place the unwrapped pastry. Roll it to form the square or circle, depending on the shape of your tin. The square or disc should be big enough to fit the 22x22 cm tart tin with the loose base.
Roll the pastry on the pinRoll out the pastry over the tin Line the tin with the pastry. The easiest way is to roll the pastry on the pin and then unroll it over the tin.
Work the pastry in the tinWork the pastry in the corners
Work the pastry into the corners, you can also trim the excess pastry from the edges, but to avoid it I always try to roll out the pastry to fit the tin quite precisely.
Baking paper and baking beans
Line the pastry case with baking paper and beans. Pop it in the oven and bake about 20 minutes. Remove baking paper and baking beans and then continue to bake the pastry until very light brown.


200 ml cream (I used whipped cream)
2 eggs
40 g cheddar cheese shredded
pinch of salt
pinch of grated nutmeg
Mix the eggs, cream, salt and nutmeg in the glass container or a bowl. Combine with a whisk. Add shredded cheese to the mixture and stir.
Pour the mixture over the pastry Polly Eats London
Pop out from the oven and place the sliced courgette on the pastry. Pour the egg and cream mixture over the courgette filling. Spread the cheese evenly.
Courgette and Cheddar Quiche Polly Eats London
Bake about 25-30 minutes until the filling starts bubbling and getting brown. Remove from the oven. Serve it warm or completely cool.

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