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Homemade Butter

Preparing time: 5 min
Cooking time: 15 min
glass bowl with very cold (ice) water
clean muslin cloth and kitchen towel
small container for buttermilk
small sieve
stand mixer equipped with a wire whip
You will need a clean glass bowl with the ice water to wash butter and remove buttermilk. The water must be very cold to avoid liquefying of the butter during the process.
a muslin cloth - for draining 
a kitchen towel – for covering the mixer and the bowl
a sieve and a small container – for draining and gathering the buttermilk
1 pasteurised double cream (600 ml), best cold
Whipping cream Polly Eats LondonWhipping cream Polly Eats London
Pour double cream into a cold bowl of the stand mixer. Whisk the cream at medium speed until it’s thick.
The cream will go to the whipped cream stage – first softly whipped then stiffly whipped. 
Making of Butterfat Globules Polly Eats LondonMaking of Butterfat Globules Polly Eats London
Continue whisking until cream breaks and separates into butterfat globules.
Cover the mixer with a kitchen towel to avoid splashing the buttermilk over the kitchenThe buttermilk and the butter on the whip whisk Polly Eats London
When you hear a sloshing, lower the speed of mixing, place the kitchen towel over the mixer and the bowl to stop the buttermilk splashing over the kitchen. Continue at low speed until you see the butter clinging to the wire whip.
Butter on the whip whiskButter on the whip whisk
Leave the butter on the whisk for a few minutes and let the buttermilk drip.
Drain the butter milkGather the buttelmilk in a container
Pour off the buttermilk and drain on a small sieve. Use it for making buttermilk rolls, scones or as a drink which quenches thirst. This buttermilk is not sour.
Scrap the butter from the whip whiskPut the butter into the ice water
Scrape the butter into a glass bowl with the ice water and wash it thoroughly. Put the butter out and set aside, pour off the water and put the butter back into a clean bowl with the fresh cold water. 
Wash the butter to remove all remaining buttermilkKneading the butter Polly Eats London
Knead the butter to remove the remaining buttermilk. Wash and knead it until the water is clear. This is very important process because the remains of the buttermilk will sour and the butter will go off very quickly. 
Butter on the sieve Polly Eats LondonDrain the butter to remove the buttermilk and the water
Transfer the butter on a clean muslin cloth, wrap the cloth around the butter and squeeze gently to remove tremaining liquid. 
Butter Polly Eats LondonButter
Form the butter block and keep refrigerated. 
This recipe will make 317 g butter and 220 ml buttermilk.
The homemade butter should be eaten within 3-4 days. The remaining butter can be also claryfied and used for frying. 
You can freeze it up to a month without affecting the flavour and texture.



  • Dolores Dupree says:

    It is great to know how to make home made butter. I remember learning how to make it in a mason jar when I was in the first grade Now I am going to try it as I have the food processor now.

  • Polly Eats London says:

    Thank you Aneeta! Thank you for your kind comment! And thank you for visiting!

  • aneeta says:

    Fabulous website great pics and such easy to follow recipes!! I like Polly Eats London !


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