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Golden Gazpacho with Melon

Preparing: 20 min
225 g golden tomatoes
Remove the skins from the tomatoes
Cross-cut the tomatoes place them in a bowl and pour the boiling water over them. Remove the peel. Transfer the tomatoes to the food processor
½ yellow organic bell pepper
1/3 honey melon, diced
½ red chilli pepper, diced
½ red onion
1 garlic clove, minced
Diced melonAdd bell pepperAdd red onionAdd minced garlicAdd chopped red chilli pepperPuree the vegetables
Add diced yellow bell pepper, melon, onion, garlic and red chilli pepper and process. 
400 ml chicken broth, cold
1 lime, juice only
A small bunch of parsley or coriander chopped
Salt and pepper to season
Transfer the mixture to a glass bowlAdd the chicken brothAdd lime juiceAdd chopped parsley or corianderSeason with salt and pepperSeason with salt and pepper
Transfer the mixture to a glass bowl, add the chicken broth, lime juice, chopped parsley or corriander and season with salt and pepper. 
1/3 organic cucumber, diced 
a few chorizo slices
a few Kalamata or balck olives
Add diced cucumberServe with chorizo slices and olives
Add diced cucumber, stir to combine. 
keep refrigerated until adequately chilled. Serve cold, straight from the fridge. Garnish with olives and chorizo slices.

Golden Gazpacho with Melon Polly Eats LondonGolden Gazpacho with Melon Polly Eats London

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