The Seven Sisters Cliffs are a series of steep chalk cliffs that stretch from Cuckmere Haven to Briling Gap in East Sussex. They are part of South Downs National Park and run along the Sussex Heritage Coast, situated between rural farmland on one side and the English Channel on the other. There isn’t any romantic story behind the name of Seven Sisters – there were no real sisters, no unhappy love and no death in azure waters. However, there is a collection of stunning coastal views of glistering white cliffs with their tops covered with the blanket of green grass and the glowing blue sea below.
The route from Seven Sisters Country Park to Birling Gap is one of the most popular walks. You will need about 2 hours to walk the distance of 3.5 miles to reach Birling Gap, a costal hamlet owned by the National Trust. There is a café, shop and visitor centre and the metal stairs leads to a pebble beach, very popular among tourists.
The beach at Cuckemere Haven
Where the Cuckmere River meets the English Channel, there is Cuckmere Haven, the area of flood plains with the meandering river, oxbow lakes and a wide pebble beach. This secluded place has fantastic views of the Seven Sister Cliffs on the east and the iconic coastguard cottages on the west. The wide, quiet pebble beach is split in two by the estuary of the Cuckemere River, which you can cross at low tide. From XVI to XVIII, the beach was used by gangs of smugglers. The access is from the Seven Sisters Country Park (with the Visitor Centre), within 30 min walking distance.
This is one of the most popular villages in east Sussex and the oldest in the county,with a plethora of of quaint Tudor wood beamed buildings.It sits in the valley the Cuckmere River, between Lewes and Eastbourn.